Jinky and Kamzo are at the junkyard building a go-kart! They think
square wheels would work the best on the go-kart. Chilbo points out that
the go-kart would not be able to move with square wheels, and tries to
replace them. Watch as Jinky, Kamzo and Chilbo argue over the go-kart
wheels, and what happens when a cubit gets involved!
Minions. Minions have been on this planet far longer than you have. They go by many names. Dave, Carl, Paul, Mike, Norbert, oh that one's an idiot. They found a dinosaur for boss, but dave bumped his head on the boulder the dino was on on accident. He died for falling in a volcano. poor dino. Want to find out what other bosses they tryed to keep? Watch the video below to find out!
Roll and jump your way through 45 new Red Ball levels as you embark on a
mission to save the world from turning square by the evil black square minions! This game is free online.
Red ball is now the king red ball for beating all those levels and avoiding those obstacles as we remember in the previous game. But then, Red ball has lost has crown! And it's up to you to help him find it! So what are you waiting for? Play this game now!